
Publish your work with us, in any medium, in any language
Before you consider a submission to VMP, please read the following about our main requirements.
You may submit final drafts of original publishable works for consideration to our Editorial Team [write to editor at villamagnapublishing dot com]. In return, we send you our gratitude for having the courage and motivation to venture along a creative journey which hopefully leads to us! Please keep the following in mind:
– Books need not have final formatting, such as styles, illustrations or other graphic elements (these can be added later as applicable), but the core textual contents should be a final draft.
– Upon review of the contents, Villa Magna Publishing will notify the author of the work’s suitability for publication and will issue a publishing contract.
– The Editorial Committee makes suggestions for content improvement and fully edits accepted works for linguistic quality.
– Edited and formatted versions are sent to authors for review, and authors are solely responsible for the ultimate contents of their published works.
– We will accept submissions for work that is out of print by another publisher.
Word count, regardless of genre:
– Adult/Young Adult: 25,000 words minimum, not including reference sections, tables, and other addenda.
– Children’s Books: there is no minimum word count for children’s books, based on the assumption that they are largely concept-driven and heavily illustrated.
– Other works with less than this minimum word count will also be considered for publication under a designation other than “book,” see below.
Poetry, essays, papers, articles, dramatic pieces and screenplays are not subject to word count minimums but should follow generally accepted style and formatting rules.
Proposals for performance art and multimedia projects should be submitted in final format and will be considered based on creativity, innovation and marketability.
For more information about guidelines for publications and multimedia projects,
please contact the Villa Magna Publishing’s Editorial Team.